#Gpodder save youtube metta data to video on device sync 720p
A light blue border around a value indicates that this data is different from the newest metadata you’ve uploaded. I suspect gpodders implementation (or lack thereof) of dash support might be problematic, hence the fallback to the pre-muxed 720p mp4 version.After that, find the Add podcast via URL button and select it to bring up the URL subscription box. Step 2: In the Gpodder podcast application, find the Subscriptions button and select it with the mouse. The most complete and newest metadata set gets marked with the Display icon. Try searching for it on iTunes, then, use this website to extract the RSS feed from the iTunes link.The green Display icon indicates that metadata set is the active display metadata for the asset. It’s the version that's surfaced to uploaders when they get a claim and in features such as Music in this Video.On the Asset details page, click COMPARE METADATA in the top right.Click the title of the asset whose metadata versions you want to compare.If an asset has been merged or has shared ownership, you can also view the metadata uploaded by the other partners.

Use the Compare Metadata feature to view the active display metadata for an asset. Note: To edit an older metadata version, click REVERT, make your edits, then click SAVE.To cancel reverting to an older version, click UNDO CHANGES.To restore an older version of an asset’s metadata, click REVERT.To go back to viewing the latest version, select the first row. To view an older version of the asset’s metadata, click a row below the first row.History shows the history of metadata updates made to the asset. On the Asset details page, find the History box on the right.If an asset has been merged or has shared ownership, you can also view the metadata uploaded by the other partners. Click the title of the asset whose metadata you want to review. Note: To edit an older metadata version, click REVERT, make your edits, then click SAVE.

To view older versions of an asset's metadata: